I'm back as a newly 25 year old.
A few days ago I celebrated my 25th birthday. It wasn't anything particularly special, but it was nice. I actually strongly dislike celebrating my own birthday, because I've always had the most lame birthdays in the past. For this reason I refuse to have expectations or make big plans. The actual day of my birthday I had to work, which was fine. I wouldn't have had anything to do if I was off work anyways. But I flew home and spent the rest of the weekend in the Bay Area with friends and family. I didn't do anything unique, but did get treated to breakfast and lunch which was great.
I had convinced myself that I was not having a quarter-life crisis. But with time I realized, I was indeed having a quarter life crisis, just in a more subtle manner. I think most people have a crisis of some sort because they don't have their shit together. But thats opposite for me. I have my shit together. I have a great career using my degree. I make decent money and live comfortably. I know a lot of people my age would kill to be in my shoes. But even with all these amazing blessings my heart desires other things. I wish to be traveling, meeting new people, seeing new sights, getting my hands dirty in a non-profit, or using my creativity to produce some beautiful. It kind of freaks me out that I am not doing these things.
This past month I piled too much on my plate, and for once my life felt overwhelming. With the loss of friends (and someone I considered my one true love) to new and distance cities I told myself the best way to live was to keep myself completely engaged at all times. It got to the point where I had some type of activity planned out every. single. day. At first it seemed like a great idea, but living that type of lifestyle became tiring. I almost didn't have time to do the most basic things like laundry or enjoying a glass of wine while eating pizza and watching trashy reality TV on Hulu. Lets be real, those things matter! We all need some down time to unwind.
So I dropped out of some activities and started saying no to invites. And now I feel like I can breath a lot easier. I mean I still feel like I am juggling a lot, but its more manageable now. I am excited and ready to pick up blogging again. Most importantly, I am ready to give it a lot more effort than before.
Here is to 25 treating me right!