
Monday, November 24, 2014


You know that feeling, when you've been busting ass and meeting every deadline, and you are so so close to the finish line that you can almost see it? And when you catch glimpse of it, you heart starts to beat a little harder in anticipation. Your drive changes from giving 100%, to straight beast mode? "I'm going to fckin kill this!" You tell yourself. You've almost reached your goal and it feels damn good. Thats pretty much how I feel right now!

Week 3 of NANOWRIMO started off pretty bad, well really really bad. Thanks to personal issues I didn't get a chance to write. Overtime at work + a scratched cornea meant I was not going to write anything for a while. Have you ever had double vision before? Let me tell you that you don't want to have it. Seeing double of anything is just so completely freaky and horrible. Take care of your corneas people! Anyways, once I was finally healed I got back to writing again. And I hit the ground running. I'm not even sure how much I wrote over the last few days or so, but its been more than I have during any other time of the month. Beast mode was definitely activated!

And now its officially the last week of NANOWRIMO and I am at 47,000 words! Say what? I got this! I'm actually aiming to hit 55,000 words by the end of the month. But we will see. And then what will be in store after the month is over? More writing of course! I know that my story at 50k words is no where near completion. I'm aiming overall for an 80,000 word story. Goodness that is such a large and scary number. It's scary and exciting all at the same time.

And I want to post excerpts and I will post excerpts, but honestly I've just been writing to get the ideas down and nothing sounds exactly how I want it. The perfection in me wants to wait until I get some editing in before I start sharing. So maybe in December?

I'm almost there! The finish line is in sight! 50,000 words will be accomplished!

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