
Thursday, November 6, 2014


I'm sorry I've been MIA the last few weeks. I've been trying my best to settle back down after my extended trip to NYC (which was great by the way, lots to share later). But one of the biggest things I've been wanting to do is really focus on writing my novel. Since I was literally all over the place since late September (San Diego-->San Francisco-->LA-->NYC) I got very few chances to work on my novel. Even though I was having fun and seeing loved ones, I was kind of bummed that I was falling behind on a major goal of mine. I guess I got lucky, because I stumbled across NANOWRIMO which stands for National Novel Writing Month.

For those of you that have never heard of NaNoWriMo, its a world-wide challenge to complete a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. Along the way you update your word count to track your progress. The further you progress the more badges you earn! Talk about some cute motivation. Also there are meet-ups and write-ins organized in your region, so you can get involved with people trying to reach the same goal. The end result? Completed novels and maybe some prizes.

So far it is day 5 of the challenge and I am already 26k+ deep in writing. Of course, I kind of cheated because I started my novel back in September. I am simply using this platform to finish the first draft of my story. I am hoping to hit between 50,000-60,000 for the first draft. I've been righting on average around 1,000 words during the weekday and significantly more than that on the weekends. Keep me in your best wishes!

Maybe I will work up the courage to share a few snippets from my work :)

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